Canvas - tonight @ Keelyn's

Hey everyone!
I know most of you are now using the Facebook group to get info about Canvas. I wanted to send out a quick reminder about tonight, but, I'm at my school, so I don't have access to Facebook.
We are having a get together - with FOOD/DRINKS and fellowship - at my apartment TONIGHT! :) Here is the address and directions. Hope to see you there! I will have lots of burrito fixings and drinks :) Bring a small appetizer or drink or dessert if you want :)
Integra Landings (apartment complex)
1575 Canopy Lane, Apt. 207
Orange City, FL 32763
Directions (from Stetson U.)
  1. Go SOUTH on 1792 (aka - Woodland Blvd.) for about 8-10 minutes
  2. Turn LEFT onto Graves Ave. (drive for about 3 minutes)
  3. Turn RIGHT onto Veterans Memorial Pkwy (traffic light)
  4. Drive for about 1 minute, and BEFORE you get to the next traffic light (Rhode Island Ave), you will see Integra Landings apartment complex on the LEFT side of the road.
  5. If the gate isn't open, hit 176 on the keypad and I will let you in. When you drive in, drive straight back; the road will curve to the LEFT. My building is 1575 (I'm in the middle stairway, on the second floor). Apt. 207.
Call if you get lost :) See ya there!
Keelyn Hermansdorfer