Hope this week finds you well- winding down another 5 day grind, or sailing through one blissful day of work after another. Whatever the case, know you are appreciated, thought fondly of, and are having good things hoped and prayed for you as you struggle or sail. As you struggle or sail from now till Sunday night, or thinking of the ways you have over the past days and weeks, take a moment to reflect on the ways you've seen or experienced God in your life and work. Has there been unexpected love where it might seem the least likely? Have you seen mercy where it was undeserved? Have you surprised yourself by a gracious act, or been surprised by the grace of another? If you've got an experience of your faith that might be meaningful or encouraging to others, or is a picture of the way Canvas flows out from our gatherings into our lives, please feel free to bring it to share on Sunday. If not, let this reflection remain private, for your faith and growth.
This week we're going to begin to look at a brilliant section of Mark's story of Jesus, in which Mark gets down to just what Jesus is looking for out of his followers. Is it religious allegiance, belief, theological agreement, church attendance, money, time, pretending to be happy? What? Jesus has something in mind for his followers, for disciples... for us. "What is it?" Join us Sunday as we examine this question and begin to make the turn toward what might be in store specifically for Canvas.
Then the following Sunday, the 22nd, flowing from this week's question and discussion, we'll have a sort of "State of the Union" for Canvas, in which we'll present the results of many of the conversations that have been had in the recent months about the growing/ changing shape of Canvas, and clarify where we are, where we're headed as a community, and how we can best embrace and live this common vision together.
Canvas Life:
- 80's night at 101 on Friday. Specials and Live Music- Support Louise and the Lounge as they support us!
- If you benefit from Canvas, consider giving to what Canvas is and does together and in service to our neighbors.
- Recent Giving has helped one of Clark's friends, who lost everything in a house fire, to get basic supplies for his wife and kids. Thanks for helping us to love our neighbors well.
- Softball Game next Monday at 8:30
- If you have anything to contribute to a community yard sale- Robin and Larry are collecting and Storing.
See you all Sunday!
Grace and Peace