Thanks again for an unforgettable gathering last Sun. We packed out the lounge again, and we filled the empty space with great questions, meaningful discussion, and some profound insight and wisdom. We we're thrilled to have back with us, our sister from a another mister, Alison White, as well as a few first-timers to Canvas.
Since we keep packing out the lounge, and because Louise has successfully incubated and now sold the business- Great Job Louise!- we're gonna be looking around again for a new place to land for the foreseeable future. We're already working the network and asking around. But, if you have any leads or hook-ups, let us know. As always,we keep the Canvas overhead pretty lean, so our budgeted rent allotment is about $0.00. So keep that in mind. We're hoping to have two more gatherings in the lounge, and be a new space by the 28th.
Now on to this week's gathering:
Do you believe that what makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful? Are you willing to risk letting go of who you think you should be, in order to be who you are? Are you relieved or panicked at the possibility of truly letting yourself be seen?
This week, we have a special treat: a profound and provocative teaching/ research and storytelling surrounding the power of vulnerability, followed by some discussion that could go any number of ways based on the teaching presented. You won't want to miss it. Since the discussion will not be exhausted on Sunday, we'll give you video, questions, and sound bytes from the teaching so it can continue in our weekly "house church" gatherings. So far, one group will meet at Dave's house on Tuesday night for dinner and conversation- more deets TBA Sun. night. Ben's house will be open for drinks and snacks on Wed. at 8:15 for conversation and hanging out. If you'd like to open your house for a house church gathering, let Ben know, and be prepared to announce on Sun. night (Warning- house church is a gateway drug to genuine community).
Love you guys, and see ya Sunday!
Grace and Peace