Hope you're either avoiding, or safely enjoying this sweltering heat wave- depending in large part on your job, sweat index, and proximity to a pool or beach. If it is work and busyness for you this summer, we pray for you rest and relaxation. If it is pool, beach, vacation, and travel, we pray for you an awareness of meaning, value, and purpose found in the art of recreation (re)creation. So, hang in there, or enjoy!
Looking forward to being back at the Hookah Lounge this week. Louise will lead us in some meaningful, self reflective, and communally up-lifting dialogue. John will provide some sweet tunes for our celebration and reflection. Come and support those who are willing to put them selves out there to help us take the next steps in our respective journeys of faith. Sometimes that means hearing some specific words that change us and shape our minds, sometimes it's more like music and it could as easily be the swelling moving sense of being inspired. Whatever it is, join us for more of it!
Keep posted for Softball- coming soon!
Last week we gave $105
We're getting ready to make a contribution to CBF Global Mission, which will help personnel as they aid in the recovery of a small chain of Islands in the Mentawii's recover from a devastating Tsunami.
Finish the week strong and have a great weekend!
Grace and Peace