Hope the week is winding down well for everyone. A BIG and special thanks to Louise for her help over the last few weeks- leading discussion while Ben has been away.
This week we'll take some time to tie together some of the themes we've examined this summer. We'll look at rejection from a few different angles, ask some questions that place us on different sides of the feelings and impulses. Ultimately we'll ask how Jesus articulates, handles, and imagines our interaction with being outsiders... Misfits we might say.
Canvas Life:
- Softball starts back up this week- 6:30, Monday at Sperling. Please bring your $$$ if you're playing. If not, bring it the following week.
- Last week we gave 0$. We (Ben) gave $105 the week before. If you're one of the core group who pledged the budget, don't forget your commitment. If you're a regular participant in the Canvas community- maybe a weekly, time-to-time giver, please know that your support combines with our pooled generosity to continue to make Canvas possible, and to pursue a level of excellence that will keep us progressing and provoked in a faith worth pursuing.
- We'll be sending funds and prayers to Joplin, TN, through our contacts on the ground, as Joplin continues to rebuild in the wake of the Tornadoes in late May. Over 150 killed, an economy destroyed, and much work to be done. As we give our support, let's pray also for our hands on the ground- Bob and Joyce Barker.
- We're also gearing up to get back in the swing of some service projects and partnership with the Neighborhood Center as they are in need of help.
Looking forward to a great gathering Sunday. Bring some snacks and beverages and let's enjoy some community building time.
Grace and Peace